D CEO Presents

Emerging Women Leadership Network

2024-2025 Program



D CEO is proud to announce that applications are now open for the second-annual Emerging Women Leadership Network, hybrid personal and professional development program, designed for the region’s rising women leaders. From August 2024 March 2025, members will participate in 8+ virtual and in-person events and exclusive content and programming—developed and led by D Magazine Partners executives, experienced leaders, and the best coaches. Members gain unparalleled access to mentors, connections with an intimate peer network, and a unique opportunity to accelerate their personal and professional growth. If you are looking for a way to level up your career, while building meaningful relationships and expanding your network locally, this program is for you.  


Applications will be accepted from May 22, 2024 – July 3, 2024.

For more information about the program and D CEO women leadership opportunities, please contact EWLN@dmagazine.com. 

Learn more about our inaugural 2023-2024 cohort here.

Application Form Closed

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Program Benefits

Memberships are offered at $5,000. Benefits include:

  • Four (4) in-person networking and panel discussions 
  • Four (4) interactive workshops with experienced leaders and coaches 
  • Custom mentorship offering with a Dallas executive 
  • Sponsored “Member Spotlight” profile featured on D CEO channels 
  • Social outings and events specifically for EWLN mentors and members 
  • Members-only monthly newsletter with relevant personal and professional development content 
  • Direct access to D Magazine Partners executive team
  • Relationships with like-minded, supportive peers across industries 
  • Opportunity to influence future leadership programming and content 
  • Complimentary tickets to D CEO events during duration of the program 
  • Complimentary two-year subscription to D CEO magazine 
  • Access to EWLN alumni network 

Did You Know?

D CEOs Emerging Women Leadership Network’s Net Promoter Score* was an impressive 85 in our inaugural year. 

83% of 2023-2024 EWLN cohort members said that this program will increase their professional prospects and help position them for more opportunities within their current organization.

*An NPS score exceeding 80 indicates that the program ranks within the top percentile.  

Hear From Our Past Members

“Thank you for one of the best professional experiences I’ve had in a long time. At this stage in my career, in full transparency, I was feeling a bit irrelevant and “not emerging for lack of a better word. This cohort inspired me with so many amazing nuggets from one of the best line-ups of speakers ever. I gained some fresh perspectives and useful tools that are helping me even now to navigate some extra choppy waters in the work-world as well as think about next steps for my professional development.”

Tina Roberts, Director of Innovation and Impact, Momentous Institute   


Produced in partnership with local executives and coaching experts, this program was carefully curated to address pressing personal and professional needs for emerging women leaders. Events and workshops will address topics like:

Your Personal Development:

  • Assessing Yourself as a Leader: Understanding Your Behaviors and Strengths with Predictive Index
  • Understand Your Communication Style and Others’
  • Accountability and Goal Setting with your Peer Cohort

Your Career Growth: 

  • 3 Secrets to Success: Purpose, Presence & Power
  • Building a Supportive Network and Activating it
  • How to Leverage the Mentee and Mentor Relationship

Your Mental Health and Wellness: 

  • Self-Care and Well-Being in the Workplace
  • Work-Life Integration Strategies and Tactics

Your Financial Future: 

  • Negotiation and Advocacy Skills
  • Financial Wellness for Women

Did You Know?

“87% of organizations believe in leadership development…but only 5% actually invest in it. When organizations invest in leadership development, they get outsized results (7x-41x).”

Source: Harvard Business Review 

Join an Info Session

Learn about the program in depth during our virtual info sessions on Friday, June 7 or Friday, June 28 at 9 am CT. Please complete the registration below to join.

Corporate Sponsorship

How are you investing in the development of your women leaders?

Successful companies recognize that investing in, and developing, a pipeline of high performing women leaders with the skills and network to succeed is vital to long-term success. D CEO’s Emerging Women Leadership Network enriches participants’ skills, competencies, and networks as they accelerate their growth, both professionally and personally. 

As a corporate sponsor, your company has the opportunity to generate awareness and cultivate relationships with emerging women leaders, serve as a discussion leader at one event, sponsor a membership for an emerging female leader, and much more!


Learn more about our corporate sponsorship opportunities.

Download Sponsorship Opportunities


Hear From Our Past Members

Participating in the inaugural D CEO Emerging Women’s Leadership Network has been a remarkable professional development experience. This network represents more than just a gathering of individuals; it embodies the convergence of diverse professional backgrounds and personal narratives, all dedicated to connection, growth, and leadership.

Hanna Howard, Former Chief Operating Officer, Valor


What are the dates of the program? 

The program will launch August 28, 2024 with an in-person event, followed by virtual workshops on Friday, October 4, December 13, and January 17 from 9 am – 10:30 am. An optional workshop on Work-Life Integration will be made available in the Spring as well. There will be four (4) bimonthly in-person evening events throughout the program on September 25, November 13, February 12, and March 5, 2025 (final program date; subject to change).

How much does it cost? 

The membership is $5,000, and payment is due by the program start date of August 28, 2024. Due to the limited number of memberships available, it is non-refundable. Nonprofit employees are eligible for a 10% discount 

Can I have my company pay for my membership as part of our professional development budget? 

Yes! In fact, we encourage it; 78% of the 2023-2024 cohort had their organizations sponsor them. This is a very unique program for a few key reasons: 

  1. It’s entirely local and will help you build your network right here in Dallas, helping you get more connected to the region.
  2. It is extremely personalized and will pair you with a mentor directly, giving you unparalleled access to local senior executive women.
  3. It can provide exposure through D CEO’s media platform to help demonstrate your business’ commitment to women leadership.  

If your HR department needs more information in order to approve, please have them contact EWLN@dmagazine.com and a member of our team will be glad to speak to someone. 


Once accepted we will provide an invoice to submit as an expense and your Accounts Payable team can pay through credit card, ACH, or check.  

I submitted my application. How will I know if I’ve been accepted? 

All applicants will be notified of their acceptance status starting July 24, 2024.

Who is the program geared toward? 

This program was developed for women who are on a leadership track or have expressed an interest in leadership within your organization. The ideal candidate has a desire to build their network and influence, is eager to engage with the community and other emerging leaders, and is seeking more individualized guidance, coaching, and mentorship. You should be at the point in your career when you’re ready to invest in yourself, your network, and your professional development in order to get to that next level. It’s for entrepreneurs, creatives, small business owners, nonprofit and corporate executives alike who self-identify as “emerging” leaders. 

In order to formerly complete the program, we require that members attend 85% of programming, meet at least once with their peer cohort and mentor (if applicable). So we ask that all applicants understand the time commitment and are willing to invest in the program and themselves.  

Can I get involved as a mentor or speaker? 

Thank you for your interest! Yes, we are always looking to increase our network of executive women looking to give back to the next generation. To be a mentor, you can apply here.

Please contact EWLN@dmagazine.com with your name and area of interest if you are interested in applying to be a speaker (limited spots avaliable)

Are sponsorships available to support and align with the program? 

Yes! We are looking for partners who are hoping to reach an engaged network of women leaders, with opportunities to meet and speak with them throughout the duration of the program, and advertise your commitment to developing female talent more broadly. There is annual sponsorship available ($24,500 each and category exclusive) for the duration of the program, in addition to one-time sponsorships if you’re interested in a specific topic (starting at $5,500).  

Please email Rachel@dmagazine.com if you are interested in learning more. We look forward to hearing your ideas! 

Who can I contact for more information? 

Please email EWLN@dmagazine.com with your questions and a member of our team will gladly help.  

Is there an age limit?

No, there is no age limit for this program; if you self-identify as an emerging woman leader then you should apply. We do ask that you have five (5) years minimum of professional experience and have expressed interest in a leadership path. 

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