D Magazine Presents

Best Insurance Agents


Starting in 2025, the lists of Best Real Estate Agents, Top Real Estate Producers, Best Mortgage Professionals, Top Mortgage Producers, and Best Insurance Agents will now be printed in the September issue of D Magazine.

Every year, D Magazine’s editorial research division surveys more than 20,000 D Magazine subscribers and recent homebuyers, along with members of the real estate, mortgage, and insurance communities, to identify outstanding agents and professionals for public recognition. Winners are selected for excellence in customer service, integrity, market knowledge, and overall satisfaction. We will vet nominees for licensing and disciplinary status and announce the winners in the September 2025 issue of D Magazine.

Nominations Closed

Nominations for next year's program will open in February 2026.

Enter your information below to be notified when nominations are open.

The Process



D Magazine emails nomination ballots to all real estate agents, mortgage professionals, and insurance agents in our database; and emails and mails ballots to more than 20,000 D Magazine subscribers and recent homebuyers in the area.

Best Insurance Agents:

  • We ask recent homebuyers and subscribers to nominate one insurance agent with whom they have worked with who has demonstrated excellence.
  • We ask fellow mortgage professionals and insurance agents to nominate up to three insurance agents (one inside their companies and two outside their companies).
  • We ask real estate agents to nominate up to three insurance agents with whom they have worked closely.



Votes are tallied and sorted by D Magazine’s editorial staff. We put the data into an algorithm that places emphasis on feedback we received from our subscribers and recent homebuyers. We then screen each nominee with the Texas Department of Insurance database to make sure that licenses are up to date and that there has been no disciplinary action.

Ballots are not counted if they are:

  • Self-nominations
  • Duplicate ballots
  • Nominees outside of our geographic boundaries (view here)



We send congratulatory emails to each of the Best Insurance Agents.

After notification, our sales team is allowed to view the list and offer advertising opportunities to winners.

We play fair:

  • Advertising dollars have zero impact on the creation of this list.
  • Best Insurance Agents are featured in our September issue and marked as a Best in our online directory whether they advertise or not.

Congratulations to all our Best Insurance Agents


How do I make a nomination?

Nominations are now closed.

How are winners selected?

D Magazine emails nomination ballots to all real estate agents, mortgage professionals, and insurance agents in our database; and emails and mails ballots to more than 20,000 D Magazine subscribers and recent homebuyers in the area.

Best Insurance Agents:

  • We ask recent homebuyers and subscribers to nominate one individual with whom they have worked in each category who have demonstrated excellence.
  • We ask fellow mortgage professionals and insurance agents to nominate up to three individuals in each category (one inside their companies and two outside their companies).
  • We ask real estate agents to nominate up to three individuals in each category with whom they have worked closely.


Votes are tallied and sorted by D Magazine’s editorial staff. We put the data into an algorithm that places emphasis on feedback we received from our subscribers and recent homebuyers. We then screen each nominee with the Texas Department of Insurance database to make sure all licenses are up to date and that there has been no disciplinary action.


The staff does not count:

  • Self-nominations
  • Duplicate ballots
  • Nominees outside of our geographic boundaries (view here)

When will the winners be announced?

Winners will be notified in April 2025 and will be featured in the September 2025 issue of D Magazine.

Where can I get more information?

For more information, contact Sarah Masquelier Risi here.

For advertising opportunities for real estate agents, contact Lisa McLaren here.

For advertising opportunities for insurance agents or mortgage professionals, contact Kimberlee Jones here.