D Home Presents

Best Architects
in Dallas

Recognizing outstanding architecture firms across North Texas.

D Home is thrilled to showcase our city’s outstanding architecture firms with our annual Best Architects awards. We invite builders, interior designers, and architects to nominate the best architecture firms in Dallas. The resulting list reflects firms who are most respected in their industry.

All winners will be listed in the Fall 2024 issue of D Home.

Nominations Closed

Nominations for next year's program will open in April 2025.

Enter your information below to be notified when nominations are open.

The Process



D Home asks builders, interior designers, and architects to nominate professionals whose work they feel is the best in Dallas.

Nominating professionals must:

  • Be a builder, interior designer, or architect
  • Have worked with, or be familiar with the work of, their nominees



Votes are tallied and sorted by D Home’s editorial staff.

The staff does not count:

  • Self-nominations
  • Duplicate ballots
  • Nominations from non-qualifying industry professionals



The remaining votegetters are vetted by an anonymous panel of esteemed members of the building, interior design, and architect community. D Home also conducts an internal review to ensure all feedback and nominees are carefully taken into consideration. All winners must be TBAE licensed, actively working, and maintain a Dallas office.

D Home editors finalize the list by verifying each architect’s:

  • License status
  • Portfolio, notes from external panelists, and current active status



We mail and email congratulations letters to the Best Architects.

After notification, our sales team is allowed to view the list and offer advertising opportunities to winners.

We play fair:

  • Advertising dollars have zero impact on the creation of this list.
  • Best Architects are featured in our November/December issue and marked as a Best Architect in our online directory whether they advertise or not.

About D Home

D Home was created to share with its sophisticated readers ideas and inspiration for living a beautiful life in Dallas. Published four times a year, we tell the story of great design, architecture, art, antiques, gardening, and entertaining in Dallas. D Home has won myriad national awards for editorial excellence, and much credit goes to the individuals whom we cover: the builders, designers, and architects who make our job easy. We challenge the stereotype of suburban sprawl, and instead cleave to a warm and gracious world of beautiful houses and gardens, whether they are classic or modern, two-story Georgians, or high-rise penthouses. Our aim is to support the creativity of our local professionals, and in doing so influence the aesthetic conversation in our city.


Average HH Income
Average Reader Age
Average D Home Readership

Congratulations to all our Best Architects


How do I make nominations?

Nominations are now closed.

How are winners selected?

The credentials of top vote getters are reviewed, per the process outlined above in steps 1–3, with those who pass all checks being named to the final list.

When will winners be contacted?

D Home editors will contact winners in May 2024.

Where can I get more information?

For more information on the program, contact Sarah Masquelier Risi at sarah.risi@dmagazine.com.

For information regarding advertising, contact Susan O’Neal here susan.oneal@dmagazine.com