D CEO and Communities Foundation of Texas Present

Nonprofit & Corporate Citizenship Awards

Uplifting Outstanding Nonprofits and the Companies that Support Them

D CEO and Communities Foundation of Texas are proud to honor professionals and organizations in the nonprofit world that make a positive and efficient impact on the community, while celebrating the efforts of corporations and business leaders who support and collaborate with local nonprofits.

Nominations Closed

Nominations for next year's program will open February 2025.

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Capital One Impact Initiative Award: Recognizes the innovative efforts of a local nonprofit to advance socioeconomic mobility and close gaps in equity and opportunity through workforce development, housing stabilization, small business support, racial equity and/or financial well-being. (This category is now closed for nominations.)

Innovation in Education: A nonprofit organization that works to provide or support educational resources that help prepare the next generation of talent and/or provide a pathway toward a better future.

Leadership Excellence: An exceptional nonprofit organization CEO, executive director, or board chair. (Awards will be given for various sizes of organizations.)

Most Successful Fundraising or Awareness Campaign: A nonprofit organization that developed and executed a particularly successful capital, operational, endowment, marketing and/or advocacy campaign during the past year.

Nonprofit Team of the Year: A nonprofit staff (or a team within the larger organization) that works to support one of the organization’s specific causes or programs. (Awards will be given for various sizes of organizations.)

Organization of the Year: A nonprofit organization that deserves to be recognized over all others for its service and mission-based success. (Awards will be given for various sizes of organizations.)

Outstanding Innovation: A nonprofit that is putting forth new ideas or strategies that relate to the organization’s operations and execution of its mission.

Social Enterprise: A nonprofit organization applying creative strategies to maximize benefits to the North Texas community; emphasis is placed on impact and outcomes.

Volunteer of the Year: A volunteer who consistently goes above and beyond in lending their time and expertise to a nonprofit organization.


Collaboration of the Year: A successful collaborative partnership and/or creative, innovative and data-driven approach around a key community issue between any/all of the following: nonprofits, foundations, schools, government, corporations, etc. May also include a company that partners with a nonprofit on process improvements or a specific project initiative.

Corporate Leadership Excellence: A company C-suite executive who has shown exceptional support of the nonprofit community through individual, hands-on participation and actions, and/or leadership in encouraging involvement of employees. (Awards will be given for various sizes of organizations.)

Corporate Partner of the Year: A company that supports a singular nonprofit or initiative through various methods, from cash and sponsorship, for example, to volunteering and board membership.

Corporate Social Responsibility: A company that shows outstanding support of the nonprofit community as a whole through various methods—from internal programs for donation matching, for example, to allowing time off for employees to volunteer, supporting numerous nonprofit events, providing teams of people at runs and walks, etc. (Awards will be given for large, medium, and small organizations.)

Equity Leadership: Outstanding involvement by a company in supporting efforts that advance diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

In-Kind Services Supporter: A company or individual working on behalf of the company that provides pro-bono work or other in-kind services (such as materials, skills, or matched based volunteering) to a nonprofit organization to help it accomplish its mission.

Sustainability Leadership: Outstanding achievement by a company that shows leadership in addressing climate change issues and sustainability.

Congratulations to all our Nonprofit & Corporate Citizenship Winners.


How do I make nominations?

This program is now closed for nominations.

Is there a fee to submit a nomination?

No! There are no required costs to submit a nomination, be a finalist, or be named a winner.

How are winners selected?

The editors of D CEO will determine the finalists and winners in all categories.

When will the winners be announced?

All finalists will be featured in the August issue of D CEO Magazine. Winners will be revealed at D CEO’s Nonprofit & Corporate Citizenship Awards ceremony held annually.

Where can I get more information?

For editorial information, contact Sarah Masquelier Risi at sarah.risi@dmagazine.com.

Please contact Rachel Gill at rachel@dmagazine.com with any advertising-related questions.